Missio College Course Descriptions

MC 100
Nations & Neighborhoods
3.0 Credits
Introductory course during the first term of MC where students are challenged to consider ministry in both local and international contexts. Students spend several weeks overseas, where classes are conducted and relationships are established, while exploring the world of International Ministry workers with the Christian & Missionary Alliance.
MC 120
Holy Spirit Empowered Ministy
3.0 Credits
Jesus said, “And when I leave, I will send you another comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will guide you into all truth.” This course explores the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and service to God, and engages the third person of the Trinity in empowering our ministries for supernatural impact in the lives of other people.
MC 140
Old Testament Survey
3.0 Credits
Jesus said, “And when I leave, I will send you another comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will guide you into all truth.” This course explores the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and service to God, and engages the third person of the Trinity in empowering our ministries for supernatural impact in the lives of other people.
MC 150
New Testament Survey
3.0 Credits
An introductory exploration of authors, geographic settings, cultural and historical contexts of the New Testament. The guiding principle that unifies all of the NT will be examined, as well as outlines for each book.
MC 170
Life & Ministry of Jesus
3.0 Credits
The life of Christ will be examined through the lens of the four Gospel accounts in the New Testament in order to gain a deeper understanding of principles of effective ministry.
MC 200
Teaching the Bible
3.0 Credits
Students will learn the basic principles of inductive Bible study. Successful completion of this course enables students to teach Bible study methods to others.
MC 210
Preaching in the 21st Century
3.0 Credits
Students will learn foundational principles of sermon preparation, write a 30-minute message, and deliver it in classroom and public venues.
MC 220
Interpreting the Bible
3.0 Credits
A foundational course for ministry students focusing on the development of interpretive skills for effective Bible teaching.
MC 240
Alliance Culture & Theological Distinctives
3.0 Credits
Uncovering the hidden jewel that has historically been referred to as the Christian & Missionary Alliance. From its roots in the late 1800s, this course examines the history and distinctives of the movement.
MC 280
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality …
3.0 Credits
This course is focused on the interior life of the leader. The primary objective of this course is to help students develop spiritual disciplines that promote long-term emotional and relational health.
MC 281
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Lab…
1.0 Credits
This follow-up experience has been designed specifically to enable students to apply principles from MC 280 into their personal and professional lives
MC 230
Peacemaking in the Kingdom: Level 1 Seminar
1.0 Credits
The inability to effectively deal with conflict in teams is one of the leading causes of attrition on the mission field. Seasoned Peacemaker trainers will teach MC students Biblical principles on conflict resolution and guide them through the process of applying these principles to everyday life.
MC 330
3.0 Credits
Students will explore the world of 1 st century discipleship culture in order to align our current models of discipleship and evangelism with Jesus’ heart for the world.
MC 320
Project Management
3.0 Credits
Upper division course designed to prepare students for planning and implementing ministry programming with a specific target audience. Students will learn how to build a leadership team, evaluate effectiveness, and grow in dependence on Holy-Spirit empowerment.
MC 430
Ethics in Ministry
3.0 Credits
Students will trace the historic development of ethical thought, paying particular attention to the emergence and divergence of humanistic and Biblical worldviews. Final project focus is on applied Biblical ethics for ministry in the 21st century.
MC 440
Special Topics in Biblical Studies
3.0 Credits
Selected topics related to the development of effective ministry. Students will conduct research on topics that are culturally relevant for this day and age. Each student will prepare a case study on a topic approved by their instructor that defines current reality, addresses themes and categories within topic, and formulate a reasoned response to the issues facing ministry leaders.
MC 410
Ministry Philosophy & Senior Capstone Project
3.0 Credits
Summary course designed for final term of senior year. Students will formalize their own philosophy of ministry and leadership based on their four years of courses, practicums, and field experiences. Prerequisite: MC 320 and Pastoral Residency 401-403.
MC 460
Kingdom Expansion in the 21st Century
3.0 Credits
Elective course that focuses on the multiplication of the church of Jesus Christ from the first century to the modern era. Students will explore historic movements, as well as modern expressions of church growth and world-wide advancement of the gospel, and their role(s) in taking the good news to the ends of the earth.
Theology Modules
One of the major milestones for pastors and missionaries is having the call to ministry affirmed by church leaders. In the Christian & Missionary Alliance tradition, ministry candidates are licensed, ordained and/or consecrated over a period of several years, as they study, grow in depth of knowledge and understanding of God, and His work in the world. MC students are prepared for the accreditation process with the Alliance Northwest District of the C&MA by taking Theology courses (1-5 Lab), reading additional books, and writing papers on Alliance Theological distinctives.
MC 251
Theology 1 Christ our Savior
1.5 Credits
The focus areas of this module include: Nature & Final Destiny of Man, Atonement of Christ, Justification & Regeneration. Special Topic: Authority of the Bible.
MC 252
Theology 2 Christ our Sanctifier
1.5 Credits
The focus areas of this module include: Sanctification, Resurrection & Ascension of Christ, Holy Spirit in Sanctification. Special Topic: Attributes of God.
MC 253
Theology 3 Christ our Healer
1.5 Credits
The focus areas of this module include: Divine Healing, Role of Prayer & Elder Involvement in Healing. Special Topic: The Trinity.
MC 351
Theology 4 Christ our Coming King
1.5 Credits
The focus areas of this module include: Return of Christ, Rapture of the Church, Missions. Special Topic: Constituted Authority
MC 352
Theology 5 The Church & Global Outreach
1.5 Credits
The focus areas of this module include: Mission of the Church, Leaders & Authority in the Church. Special Topics: Ordinances in the Church.
MC 353
Theology 5 Lab/Provisional Licensing Examination
1.5 Credits
Students will prepare for the accreditation process with the Alliance Northwest District of the Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA).
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